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About Our Services

About Our Services

The GVHS Counseling Staff is committed to a team approach in supporting our students. We work closely with students, parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, and even outside service providers to help our students develop and work toward their educational, personal and career goals. Some of the services we provide are:

    • Enroll students in the most appropriate classes available, based on placement data, teacher recommendations and student requests*
    • Help students and parents monitor grades and progress toward graduation requirements
    • Assist students and parents in planning an academic program designed to prepare students to meet their future goals
    • Promote classroom achievement by providing problem-solving, study and organizational strategies
    • Provide referrals to academic support classes, tutorial services, or other programs that support learning
    • Schedule and/or attend conferences, as needed, with the goal of resolving problems in school
    • Recommend credit recovery programs for those in need of remediation

    *Program Changes: Students and parents should make a special effort to carefully select a program of classes so that a minimum number of schedule changes will be required. The district does recognize that some changes may be needed. Students who find it necessary to initiate a program change are strongly encouraged to do so within the first two weeks of each semester. Students presenting a valid need to change their program by dropping one course and adding another will be allowed to do so on a space available basis. A Request for Change of Program form ("blue sheet"), signed by both the student and parent, may be required before a program change will be made. Teacher permission to enter the new course may also be required. Forms are available in the Counseling Office.

    • Work with the Career Technician and other designated staff members to lead students through a program of career exploration, using a variety of research tools
    • Help students select a course of study that supports their stated career goals
    • Help students monitor their progress toward the completion of "a-g" or other college admissions requirements
    • Support students in the completion of financial aid and/or college applications
    • Make referrals to the MUHSD College & Scholarship Counselor, as needed
    • Help students resolve conflicts with peers, staff or parents
    • Provide support and strategies for students struggling with the rigors of school and the stresses of adolescence or young adulthood
    • Conduct risk assessments and make referrals to outside or on-campus service providers for students who need or desire more intensive or ongoing personal counseling