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Course Information

Course Information

  • Valedictorian/Salutatorian: Valedictorian is the highest rank in the graduating class and shall be awarded to the student(s) who qualify as determined by MUHSD board policy AR 5127. Salutatorian is the second-highest rank in the class, and shall be identified by site administration based on overall (total, weighted) GPA.

    Gold Cord: A gold honor cord is awarded to graduates who have maintained a 3.5 G.P.A. throughout four (4) years of high school.

    Silver Cord: Students performing voluntary community service may earn recognition for their work by keeping a record of the hours they contribute. Students earn a silver honor cord by accumulating 250 hours or more of service. If you begin early and add hours each year, it's easy and the rewards are many.

    The Community Service program is handled through the Career Center (room 206). It is recommended that you discuss your service ideas with the Career Technician before you begin, to be sure your chosen activity qualifies for credit toward the silver cord. All hours must be documented and verified. More information, including community service opportunities and all necessary forms, are available on the GVHS Career Center webpage.

    White Robe/Gold Stole/CSF Pin:

    There are two levels of membership in the California Scholarship Federation.

    • Life Membership (qualify four out of the last six semesters, with one semester in the senior year)
    • 100% Membership (qualify six of the last six semesters).

    Memberships of both types earn a white robe and CSF pin to be worn at graduation, a certificate and CSF designation on transcripts and diploma. In addition, 100% of members earn a Gold Stole to be worn at graduation. Students must qualify and apply for CSF every semester (please follow the link for more info about CSF).

    CTE Pathway Completion: Students who complete a full sequence of three or more courses in a single CTE Pathway will be recognized. More details on this honor will be forthcoming. This opportunity is available starting with the Class of 2020.

    Other Adornments: Various other stoles, cords, or pins may be earned by graduates who have met participation requirements in campus organizations like AVID or FFA.

    Seal of Biliteracy: If you are proficient in another language(s) besides English, we encourage you to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy on your diploma/transcript. See your counselor if you'd like to apply.

    Scholarships: While researching and applying for scholarships is a lot of work, it is effort well spent! Each year GVHS graduates earn an impressive number of scholarships to help them on their continuing academic journey. MUHSD students are lucky to have a dedicated College & Scholarship Counselor to help them navigate the world of financial aid.

  • Congratulations on your decision to enter our most rigorous level of coursework! Statistics gathered by the College Board on AP classes show that a secondary school curriculum of high intensity and quality, such as that found in AP courses, has the strongest correlation to bachelor's degree completion, while class rank/GPA hold comparatively weak relationships to bachelor's degree completion. Further studies additionally found that 85 percent of those who took AP courses continued their education after high school. (AP College Board Website).

    Please review the attached expectations for each of the classes that have been selected. The attached contract should be signed by both parent and student and returned to the Guidance Office. Students who do not have the required signatures will not be allowed to enroll in the class. All signatures will be kept on file in the office. There is a cost of about $91 associated with any AP exam. Some fee waivers are available: Please check with the Counseling Office for more information.


  • Subject area


    (220 credits minimum)


    (courses must be a-g approved and must be passed with grade of C or better)

    A. History

    4 years / 40 credits

    2 years

    B. English

    4 years / 40 credits

    4 years

    C. Math

    2 years / 20 credits

    3 years (4 recommended)

    D. Science

    3 years / 30 credits

    2 years

    E. LOTE/World Language

    1 year / 10 credits of either

    2 years (3 recommended)

    F. Visual/Performing Arts

    language or fine art (not both)

    1 year

    G. Electives

    40 credits

    1 year


    2 years / 20 credits

    PE not required


    20 credits (10 capstone)

    CTE not required (though some CTE courses meet a-g criteria)


    California Public Universities: If your goal is to be eligible to apply directly to the California State University or the University of California after you complete high school, you must complete the a-g course requirements (above) with a C or better in approved courses. Successful completion of these requirements does not guarantee admission to any particular campus, but rather, means that you are eligible to be admitted.

    Want to know which courses are a-g approved? Click here for the UC/CSU - Approved Course List for GVHS.

    Other Universities: If you intend to apply to another university or 4-year college (a private or out-of-state school, for example) it is your responsibility to research the minimum admissions requirements for the school(s) of your choice. Failure to do so in a timely manner could cause you to be ineligible for consideration.

    Community Colleges: If you plan to begin your college education at a community college (even if you intend to transfer to a university later) you are not required to complete the a-g requirements. However, taking a rigorous course of study in high school will help prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead! You are encouraged to consider a-g even if you don't think you will go straight to a university.

  • Coursework and Credits:

    English: 40 Credits

    9th English 1

    10th English 2

    11th English 3

    12th CSU Expository Read & Writing

    Social Studies: 40 Credits

    9th Freshman Seminar/Health & Wellness

    10th World History

    11th U.S. History

    12th Economics/U.S. Government

    Mathematics: 20 Credits

    Must complete two (2) courses in mathematics during the 9th-12th grades, including at least one course (which could be taken in 7th or 8th grades) that covers the standards of Algebra 1. The Algebra 1 requirement will be met through completion of any of the Integrated Mathematics courses taught at G.V.

    Science: 30 Credits

    Must complete three (3) full courses: one life science, one physical science, and one elective science (any additional science course of the student’s choice or the school’s recommendation).

    World Languages / Fine Arts / CTE*: 10 Credits

    Must complete one (1) course from any of these course categories. See your counselor or the Course Catalog for more information about offerings.

    Physical Education (PE): 20 Credits

    9th PE 1 / Band PE* / Athletics* / Pep Squad*

    10th PE 2 / Band PE* / Athletics* / Pep Squad*

    *Must meet requirements for enrollment. May be repeated for credit.

    Electives: 60 Credits

    Elective credits are earned for any additional course(s) taken once the minimum requirement has been met in a given subject area, or for courses that don't qualify for credit in any other category described above. Elective credits may be earned for academic or non-academic coursework. Students must choose at least 20 credits of CTE-approved coursework (see below for more information). Some elective credits may include mandatory courses assigned by the principal or designee for students who are failing to make adequate progress in the academic program.

    Total Credits Required for Graduation: 220 Credits (minimum)

    *Additional Requirements

    Career Technical Education (CTE) Requirement: Starting with the Class of 2020, all students must complete a minimum of 20 credits of CTE-approved coursework. The 20 credits may come from any subject area or Career Pathway, and may simultaneously be used to meet another requirement (i.e. Fine Arts). Students who complete 30 credits (three complete courses) in a single pathway will receive special recognition upon graduation.

    *Note about Semester Credit: Five (5) credits are granted each semester for every class successfully completed. A minimum of 220 credits must be earned, in subject areas as described above, in order to graduate.